Business community manager at Suceava

Companie: Asociatia pentru Promovarea Economiei Cunoasterii

Oraș: Suceava

Valabilitate: 2021-02-17 - 2021-02-28

TipJob: Voluntariat

Domeniu: Fundații / Asociații ONG / Voluntariat



E-mail marketing
Databases running
Personal information from forms collection and management
Online event running using laptop/desktop
Meeting with partners, guests and collaborators to establish work engagements
Fundraising (voluntary)
public relations activities for the online meetings
partnerships development and maintenance
Recruitment of volunteers
Evaluation of Volunteers
training of volunteers
Establishing standard operating procedures
Modifying standard operating procedures
Software learning and implementation
Technical integration of various software for running online events
Contest running
Availability in responding to community members requests and needs

Proper processing of personal data of participants for the intended use
Respecting the time frames established for running the events
Coordinating with other volunteers with shared responsibility
Presenting the initiative accurately with integrity for all partners involved
respecting the legal and human rights of all people involved or participating in the meetings
managing priorities under distress and conflict


Preparation and experience:
Experience in running communities or events (virtual or real) in at least one position (either entrepreneurial or in NGO field) as a manager, community manager, project manager or NGO founder
Proficient English language (able to talk in English with guests)
High adaptability in learning to use digital online tools, resources and software
Must be in possession of reliable hardware equipment to run the meetings from home or whatever remote place with stable internet access
No formal studies required, but economic highschool or faculty welcomed, entrepreneurship experience even better



Job announcement

Are you looking for an entrepreneurial position in the NGO and/or business world which would allow you to expand your vision, learn from others and set the rules for performance?
You have the opportunity of becoming a regional community manager for the virtual meetings between professionals, entrepreneurs, business people, administrators and influencers!
APEC (The Association for Promoting the Economy of Knowledge) and are developing the network of virtual meetings in several local and regional communities.
Join other professionals already interested in contributing to the economical growth of your area! By contributing to the early development of this network, you will have the opportunity of learning in a community of professionals dedicated to growing by networking and implementing strategic projects. Develop quality relationships in virtual proximity by supporting the entrepreneurs and professionals in your local community!
As a regional community manager, you will be expected to:
run webinars
run networking meetings
manage the online groups for the community
increase interaction and participation between members
bring participants, guests and organize resources
contribute to the development of the network
create bridges between business people, students, teachers and local authorities
The proper way to apply for this position is:
drop a line at [at] gmail [dot] com mentioning ”I want to contribute for Suceava!” OR
simply call at 0729034883 (NO WhatsApp) and set an appointment!

Pentru a aplica trebuie să ai un cont de utilizator si să fi conectat în sistem.
Intră în cont

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Ultima actualizare a ofertei: 2021-02-17 13:45:57